Sunday, September 21, 2008

Summer was....

This has been such a great weekend so far, scrapping Friday night with friends, laughing does the body good. Creating..

Last night my oldest and I went to the craft store. It is amazing how quickly he is growing up. He is actually becoming pretty cool to hang out with.

Today just kinda hanging out so I decided to visit some of my favorite blogs, which is something I usually dont do on the weekends. Today, every blog I visit had a wonderful post or picture, mostly about the end of summer. It is such a bittersweet time. I love the carefree days of summer but also look forward to all the fun things autumn has to offer.. So today I leave you some of what summer was to us. Please leave a comment so I can check out your blog!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Remembering 9-11-01

I know its now the 15th, but I am so behind in everything since losing my hard drive. Living right across the bay from NYC, This day is always hard. The details of that day will always be etched in my mind. The smells, the sights, the emotions. On that day, I almost lost my best and oldest friend. On that day, the town I grew up in lost the most people in NJ. On that day, I realized my husband would be going to war. On that day, all of our lives changed.

My life is so different now than on that beautiful September day. My husband is home and out of the military. I have 2 beautiful boys. But I will never ever forget how I felt that day.

These are pictures from our towns memorial. The beam is actually steel from the WTC.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Lost pics and other fun things!!!

Sorry for my absences!! Well it seems that my youngest decided to drop diet coke on my laptop almost a month ago.. My fault, yes. So I lost tons of pictures and everything else my beloved laptop held. I was devastated. Now finally, a month later, Im back online. Please leave me a comment so I can favorite all your blogs again. Or leave me any fun blogs you might know of. My favorites are empty...

Friday, August 1, 2008

Are you kidding me??

Who said men are from Mars? So true. My Mother-In-Law and I discuss this often. Last night I had the FUN task of going to get diapers! My husband thinks that this falls into the category of "my time". Yeah, whatever...I said I was going to go to Target, because well, honestly Target is more fun than CVS and further away. I was hoping he could get the kids ready and to bed. I said, the kids need to be in bed early, they didn't nap today. He WHAT??? He actually refused. He thought since I got to go out, he shouldn't have to do it. OK...whatever. I just went to CVS, came home and got them to bed. They are just clueless. Well, my husband is anyway. Tonight he is out, playing teenager with his friends in a garage playing guitar (I know I am making him sound like a creep but he hasn't gone to a friends in a very long since we had kids.) And I am putting the kids to bed. Ahhh...this is life.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

I stopped over at the simple woman blog and found this and thought it would be fun.

FOR TODAY July 31, 2008 ...
Outside My Window... It is dark, but somewhere out there my garden is thriving. For this I am thankful.

I am thinking... Actually tonight I am not trying to think much. My brain needs a rest as does my body.

I am thankful for... For my miracle babies

From the kitchen... Nothing came out of today. My husband worked late and we had subs!
I am wearing... A brown tank and tan cargo summer uniform :)

I am creating... Not enough...projects need to be finished soon!!

I am going... To bed, hopefully soon.

I am reading... 19 minutes by Jodi Picoult

I am hoping... That the heat wave they say is coming doesnt.

I am hearing... The hum of the AC and my dog's annoying tags on his collar!

Around the house... Are the people and things I love.

One of my favorite things... Is being with my boys all day long and a good cup of coffee.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Trip to Aldis and the craft store and a block party

Here is picture thought I am sharing.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Monday, July 28, 2008 shopping was fun!

For real. It was like a dream come true. Just recently have I even attempted to do this with the 2 kids. I had no clue once the turtle was out of the infant carrier how I was going to do it. Where do you put them??? Who invented shopping carts? A man im sure.... Anyway, I would always go at night or drag my poor mother in law with me. But I found a cart that not only hold 2 kids but if I wanted to (which I dont!) 3 kids!! I love it. First off, as I am walking in to the store, a older woman asks me if I need help?? Huh, me?? Never has anyone offered that, sometimes people dont even hold doors! I wanted to hug this woman. I didnt accept help, but still. My kids were like angels the whole time. I actually strolled around the store after I got everything we needed.
Came home and made dinner. I made zucchini latkes..omg!!! They were so so good!! I will post the recipe tomorrow so all 2 of you can have it!

Potty Training Boys?

I am thinking about giving this a go. Anyone have any hints or ideas? What worked for you?

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Im on my way out to the dr. In March of 07 when I had my youngest I was finally diagnosed with endometriosis (long story, I will try to post about later). Ive been having a lot of problems lately so I am finally going to see what I can do about it. I do not want to go on birth control pills for it. So, I have a feeling that will be the only option but I will see. Will update later...

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Creative Parenting

Join me in my newest Yahoo Group. We will be discussing how to bring creativity into the lives of our children.
Send a blank email to

Looking forward to having you there!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Fresh Starts

Being a Stay at Home Mom is hard...Dont you agree?? I think just being a mom is hard. But my thing is being lonely. I have tried to make new friends because alot of my friends are at different stages (mostly have older kids). I have joined a moms forum and tried meeting local moms. But I have come to the conclusion, I dont fit in with most of them. I have always been a misfit. So, I left that forum. I dont have time or patience for the pettiness that comes with it. I am done trying. I am just hoping something will lead me to friends that are more like me. I know the area I live in is kinda hard. Its a bit of a snobby area. I have met a few great women in the area and for this, im thankful.
What have you done to make friends in your area?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Summer Lovin'

We are loving summer...but to be honest with you, the humidity on the Jersey Shore is not nice! Today was a perfect day. Upper 80s and low humidity. We've been hitting the beach after dinner and it is a blast.
Ive been working on 2 scrapbooks (a paid gig!) for twin boys. Its hard to find the time, but I fit it in.
A pic from the beach a few nights ago, couldn't resist! (will add later..blogger is being a PITA!!)

Monday, June 30, 2008


Things have been crazy here. Strep, Coxsackie Virus, Colds and now dolphins in our river?!? Yep, About 20 dolphins have made their home for the past month in one of our rivers not even 5 minutes away. Last night we tried to get a look. Just as we pulled up they were coming down the river. It was so exciting.

Today, I need to write a major to-do list. I hate not having one and with the kids sick lately I havent been getting very much done. So a to-do list is on my to-do list!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Checking in

Just wanted to stop in for a quick minute. We have had a wonderful weekend and I think my dh had a wonderful Father's Day. We had some major storms last night. But today the weather is cooler and it is nice. Have been spending time painting and at the beach. Lots of good times with my boys. They are getting to be so much fun. All of the work is so worth it. I will be posting some pics tomorrow!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Finger Painting

I tried to do this post yesterday but Blogger was being a bugger! The heat wave finally broke...YEAH. So we headed out for some finger painting and wet fun in the kiddie pool and sprinkler!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

31 hours and counting...binky free

Never thought I would write that... I swear I thought my 2 year old was going to have one at his wedding! We started trying to get rid of them friday night. You see my oldest (2) was in love with that thing from day one! I always said "My kids will NEVER have one of those things" yeah...blah blah blah. Then some kind of study came out like the week before he was born that it may prevent SIDS, so being the paranoid first time that thing went. My younger one, could take it or leave it. Nap time yesterday was rough. Frog cried for an hour. I needed him to take a nap because we were going to family's last night. But as soon as he fell asleep I took it out of his mouth and he hasnt had it since. Hasnt even asked for it...I am so happy.
Uneventful weekend due to this heat wave we are getting slammed with. Really just hanging in the AC. Made an awesome blueberry cobbler tonight in the crock pot. It was damn good if I do say so myself!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Just how much....

For all you bloggers out there, Just how much of your life do you blog? The reason I ask, I have had a hard few days here, sick baby, ER visit, fighting with my get the idea. I have a long list of blogs I read and for the most part, they are always so rosy! Are bloggers just happy people?? Maybe I shouldnt be writing one. Of course, the timing is just horrible because I just started writing my blog 3 days ago. Do you all sometimes just want to write about how horrible things are right now but you write on the positive instead? Just wondering?? I promise, a happier post to follow....

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Who would have thought...

Yesterday I look out my window and in my garden I see this

The snow peas I planted way back in March have finally begun to bloom. I have spent time in gardens since I was very young but I have always only thought of peas having white flowers. So this was so exciting for me! (Doesn't take much to get me excited these days).

Also found was literally like a hundred of these

It was fun to see the kids with these. We got rain last night and I thought for sure they would all be gone but sure enough this morning my rose bush is still covered with these little ladies!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Well now....

Well, here I am! I have toyed with the idea of blogging for some time now. I have friends who blog, I read blogs. So why not blog myself?? I keep asking myself, but why? Why would I even blog? Not sure if anyone will find my crazy life interesting but if not for someone else then I will blog for myself. As a teenager I enjoyed writing and havent in years. I am sure so many other women feel they have no time for themselves, by blogging, if only for a few minutes a day, it can be something for us. So, this begins it....