Thursday, June 5, 2008

Just how much....

For all you bloggers out there, Just how much of your life do you blog? The reason I ask, I have had a hard few days here, sick baby, ER visit, fighting with my get the idea. I have a long list of blogs I read and for the most part, they are always so rosy! Are bloggers just happy people?? Maybe I shouldnt be writing one. Of course, the timing is just horrible because I just started writing my blog 3 days ago. Do you all sometimes just want to write about how horrible things are right now but you write on the positive instead? Just wondering?? I promise, a happier post to follow....


Laura said...

Blogging is an escape - some focus on the positive, while others, share the gambit of emotions and experiences. I find blogging a form of archeiving the good times and paying homage to the rough and challenging times so that I can learn and grow. My community of blog-friends keeps growing and I so enjoying sharing, exchaning and learning.

Thanks for visiting the Fringe. We seem to have lots in common - kids very close in age and scrapbooking and blogging. Looking forward to getting to know you and Frog and Turtle...cheers!

Tillybud said...

Hi Christie, Thanks for stopping by my blog.I'm new to blogging too and have asked myself the same question. For the time being my own choice is to write about all those floating thoughts -sometimes reflective and sometimes much ado about nothing! It's real and it's me but it's just a tiny snapshot. Hope next week brings back healthy and peaceful days for you!

Unknown said...

well it ain't all rosy apples for me and if you had been around at 4am this morning when Babyebi was throwing a major tantrum you'd understand why!
I have crap days just like everyone else but like Laura said, blogging is an escape and I certainly don't want to depress everyone else with my crappy days!

Lindsay said...

I find blogging very theraputic - especially for moms who stay at home and have no adult conversations during the day. I too have two kiddos just 16 mo apart - so there are messes, accidents, fights, even fun get-along moments...all of which are great blogging ideas. Just think - next time Turtle & Frog spill something, take a pic and it'll make a great post!

And even if you don't feel like being chipper in a post - don't...moms can relate to that too and it makes all of us feel "normal."