Monday, July 21, 2008

Fresh Starts

Being a Stay at Home Mom is hard...Dont you agree?? I think just being a mom is hard. But my thing is being lonely. I have tried to make new friends because alot of my friends are at different stages (mostly have older kids). I have joined a moms forum and tried meeting local moms. But I have come to the conclusion, I dont fit in with most of them. I have always been a misfit. So, I left that forum. I dont have time or patience for the pettiness that comes with it. I am done trying. I am just hoping something will lead me to friends that are more like me. I know the area I live in is kinda hard. Its a bit of a snobby area. I have met a few great women in the area and for this, im thankful.
What have you done to make friends in your area?


Valerie said...

we have joined a local playgroup, and it has really helped meet women with similar interests!

Rachel said...

I completely understand this post! I'm still figuring out how to meet local moms . . .definitely need some "out of the house" time!

Rachel said...

BTW -- thanks for stopping by and reading my vent on the Hubby! :)

Lindsay said...

Oh how I can relate. I just moved back to where I grew up and while some of my old friends are still here, we too are at different stages in life. We're trying to find a church - hopefully we will soon and connect with people there. Do you have a church that you would feel comfortable talking to ladies there?

Better go catch up on your blog - I've enjoyed it so far!

jen aka mommay said...

Some of my best friends I met because our kids were in preschool together and were friends. They knew something we didn't? lol

What about a local playground? Library? I think there's a website that you can meet up with local playgroups too. I'll come back and post if I find it! lol