Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Well now....

Well, here I am! I have toyed with the idea of blogging for some time now. I have friends who blog, I read blogs. So why not blog myself?? I keep asking myself, but why? Why would I even blog? Not sure if anyone will find my crazy life interesting but if not for someone else then I will blog for myself. As a teenager I enjoyed writing and havent in years. I am sure so many other women feel they have no time for themselves, by blogging, if only for a few minutes a day, it can be something for us. So, this begins it....


Ann Harrison said...

Here you are! Good for you.
I look forward to reading your blog.


Unknown said...

Great start of the blog. I am so glad you started it--it helps to blog and show your feelings. I love the picture.

Love you much,

DJ said...

Good for you, and welcome. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Susan Lindgren said...

Congrats and have fun!

Threeundertwo said...

Beautiful blog. I have Irish triplets and I found you through the Mom Bloggers Club. You've certainly hit the ground running! Looks like you really did some research before you started. You'll love blogging.

Brittany said...

Well, as a fellow mom of irish twins, I welcome you to the fun world of blogging! How far apart are yours? Mine are just under 11 months apart...we are just coming off would I like to call "twin month," where they were both one for a bit there:)

I really look forward to your posts!

Dim Sum, Bagels, and Crawfish said...

Congratulations on starting your blog! Thank you for your comments on mine. I'll look forward to following your blog.